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Grade Level and Subject: K-8, computer science with math and science adaptations
Objective: Using Ozobots students will be able to learn basic programming skills while applying problem solving strategies. Our NGSS standards require that students are able to problem solve and answer real world questions. For instance, students are to use their understanding of plate tectonics and earthquakes to create an earthquake safe structure. Using Ozobots, students will be able to problem solve and answer questions for which there is no concrete right and wrong answer.
These tutorials on YouTube are helpful before using Ozobots the first
How to use Video 1
How to use Video 2
Charge the Ozobots before planning to use them. There are two multiport charging stations so depending on the number of students and the sizes of your groups you can charge the appropriate amount. There are markers included, but after multiple uses they may become worn. Any brand of markers work. Just the colors need to be specific.
For my 7th Grade Students I gave them the list of codes (color coded blocks included in the STEAMbox), I showed the how to calibrate video and then video #1. Students were then given time to explore how to make the Ozobot follow the different commands.
Depending on levels of students you can also talk about different levels of coding and there are apps available on iPads to use with the Ozobots if you have those available to you as well.
I preprinted the Ozobot sheets that were suggested on the website, but due to the quality of the photocopy they didn't work as well as students just drawing lines on white printer paper. Students also enjoyed the freedom to write their own paths more than the preprinted paths as well.
Lessons are available at http://www.ozobot.com/learnzone/
There are 18 Ozobots in the STEAMbox.
The Ozobot STEAMbox was designed by Leslie Sandoval of Lone Hill Middle School.
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